Code of Conduct
Bluerock Social Impact Partners
It is a privilege to serve our client organizations, their leaders and teams. We honour this code of ethical conduct in our words, deeds and spirit.
We are committed to serving our clients and their teams with integrity, honesty, and professionalism, always upholding our ethical code in actions and spirit.
Our services are offered with the utmost competence and objectivity, aiming to enhance clients' skills and capabilities. We only undertake assignments within our expertise to ensure effective results.
Our fees are fair and reflect the services provided. We ensure clear agreements with clients regarding objectives, scope, and expectations before starting any project, and negotiate changes in scope in good faith.
Client information is treated with strict confidentiality, safeguarded against unauthorized access, and used only with client permission. We avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any potential biases to maintain objectivity.
We consider board membership offers with transparency to prevent any impropriety, and are prepared to withdraw from assignments if our objectivity or integrity is at risk.